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Psalm 8:4-5 says, “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.”

Do you ever feel alone, inadequate, maybe? There are times in this life that we all face in which we feel that we are not good enough. We face situations that leave us feeling inadequate. Personally, I face times where I put myself down for the way I look or even other things. How could I, as weak and wicked as I am, be good enough? It’s during these times that I have to remember my Savior. God found me valuable to Him; He placed me here for a reason. When I think of how much He loves me and has a plan for my life, I can be set free from those feelings of worthlessness.  He is mindful of me and you, and He is mindful of those situations.

We are the “apple of His eye.” The Creator of the entire universe, the One that the wind and seas obey, the One that can calm a storm with three little words, He thought the world needed one of each of us! He knew every time we would fail Him, every time we would choose worldly things over Him, yet He still chose to love us and die for us.

We are all sinners. We don’t deserve His grace; I don’t deserve to be writing this for you, but rather, I deserve to be in Hell; yet God was mindful of me and gave me another chance to serve Him. He saved my soul and gave me a new life that I may live forever, praising Him. He has done the same for you! The next time you feel worthless, I encourage you to reflect on how God finds you valuable. He loves you and has a plan for your life. Sometimes, you may not understand that plan; I haven’t always, but I promise the outcome will bring you joy unspeakable! If you were useless, you wouldn’t still be here. If you’re reading this, you are valuable to God! He is mindful of you! He loves and cares for you more than anything.