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A key principle in leadership is that leaders must first do what they call others to do. A leader does not hang back waiting to see what others are doing and then follow them. A leader is out front, demonstrating how to live and act. A godly leader does not conform to the status quo, but he sets the standard for others to follow. A leader who follows Christ leads by example.

One way to demonstrate this is by placing a string on a table. When you pull the string, it will follow you. But if you push it, it bunches up and doesn’t move forward well. When it comes to leading people, things go much the same way. They need to follow a person who is out front and leading by example.

Jesus, the greatest leader of all, constantly demonstrated the principle of leading by example. He was the king of all kings, but instead of handing out commands and telling others what to do, He took a towel and washed his disciples’ feet. When he finished, he said, For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.(John 13:15) 

That’s the kind of leadership we should aspire to!