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Psalm 61:1-4 - Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in thy tabernacle forever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah.

As Christians, wives, moms, or even women in ministry, it seems there are plenty of times to cry out or even cry tears! But, to whom do we cry? Our husbands? “Life isn’t fair! Why us?” These verses say to cry unto God! How often do we truly cry out to God? Sometimes it feels we are literally crying from the ends of the earth, just like the verse says. Like there is no one around that can help us or feel our pain. But, when our hearts are truly overwhelmed, what do we do? These verses say to go to The ROCK! He is higher, MUCH higher than all of us!

Even when we’re sick in bed and the house looks like a tornado hit and the kids are having WWIII!? Yes!

Even when the kids are sinning much more than obeying and you long for them to allow God to change their hearts? Yes!

Even when your husband just doesn’t understand and you feel a bit distant? Yes!

Even when our own sin is so discouraging? Yes!

Even when those who know better, make sinful choices and won’t obey God? Yes!

There is so very much in this life to get overwhelmed about. But, can you calmly rest in God as your shelter? As your strong tower? Do you think abiding in God’s tabernacle will bring a peaceful or chaotic feeling?

There is a story of a wildfire that spread quickly through several farm yards and fields. Later, walking through the burnt areas, a farmer came upon one of his chickens all huddled in a ball, burnt and singed with hardly any feathers. With a heavy heart, he lifted the chicken to bury it. But he gasped! To his shock and surprise, there were five little chicks under her wings wiggling and crying “peep, peep!”

Let’s be one of those chicks that trusts in the cover of HIS wings!

When life is too overwhelming, let’s obey Psalm 61:1-4! Selah.

-Mrs. Holly Ward