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In Mark 8 Jesus is talking to His disciples. Jesus asked them whom the people said He was. They answered and told Him that some thought He was John the Baptist, Elias, or one of the other prophets. But then Jesus asked them a much more important question. “And He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?” – Mark 8:29

Growing up in church, I heard of many miracles from the Bible. I have also heard many people stand up and testify to who Jesus is to them. Each believer has different views and ways of describing who Jesus is to them.

I believe that the blind man that Jesus healed in the scriptures would say, "He is my healer, the One that brought sight to my eyes."

The dumb and deaf man would say, "He is my curer, the One that gave sound to my ears and words to my tongue." 

The man by the Pool of Bethesda would probably say, ” He is my miracle worker, the one that showed me I didn’t need the pool. I just need Him."

The woman with an issue of blood would say,  “He is my physician. The One that did what no doctor or no amount of money could do.”

Jarius would say, “He is my mender. He brought my daughter back from the dead and mended my family back together"

Jarius' daughter would say, “He is the one that gave me life. He is my doctor, the one who put my needs first, even though there was a big crowd. He forgave all my sins.”

It’s safe to say that Jesus means something to everyone who is saved. I think it is safe to say that He means something a little different to everyone who is saved. And while whoever Jesus was to everyone in the Bible is great, and true, there is something more important you must ask yourself. Instead of thinking who Jesus is to everyone else, who is He to you?

He is a lot of things to me. There are not enough words to explain all He is to me. He is my Savior, deliverer, best friend, physician, teacher, miracle worker, and so much more, but who is He to you? While I could write a book about what He means to me, I want you to think about what He means to you.

I hope you all have a great start to your month. I hope you will ponder on this thought and maybe even write down a couple of things He is to you. When you are going through hard times, you can look back and see who he has been to you, is to you, and will be forever.