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Today, we will conclude our series of devotions on the fall of humanity as described in Genesis chapter 3. 

In the first week, we discussed how Eve saw the fruit. Satan aimed to turn her look into lust. Then Eve took the fruit. Satan’s aim was then to turn her desire into a decision.

Genesis 3:6 tells us, And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”

Finally, we read that Eve did eat. Satan’s aim was now to turn her choice into a chain. The devil’s deceit had snared her, and she could now be taken captive at his will, which had proven to be stronger than her own. Eve’s choice became a chain of bad decisions when, as the last part of the verse tells us, she gave. Eve not made one disobedient choice, but another when she chose to share the forbidden fruit. 

The final aim of Satan was to turn Eve, a sinner, into a seducer. Satan, unsatisfied with just the fall of Eve, fashioned the fallen woman into a tool to ensnare her husband. When you sin, it always affects more than just yourself.

There’s no doubt Eve did not foresee the chain of consequences that would follow her decision to simply engage in a conversation with Satan. It goes to show us that we must be careful about whom we associate with and understand that if Satan can cause Eve to fail in a perfect environment, then we are no match for him.